Root Canals
Wasilla, AK
Root Canal Therapy

What is a root canal?
Root canals are similar to fillings that extend into the chamber inside of the tooth, sealing off the root and preventing reinfection. They are usually necessary for teeth that have experienced:
• | Abscesses |
• | Large fractures |
• | Cracked roots |
• | Large cavities |
• | Deep fillings which need to be replaced |
Your Treatment Experience
Having a root canal completed is no more uncomfortable than any other type of restorative procedure. First, the area around the tooth is anesthetized to prevent sensitivity. The damaged portion of the tooth is removed, including the infected nerve tissue. Then the nerve chamber is cleaned and sealed. A temporary restoration will be placed over the tooth until a permanent crown can be made.
Are you experiencing sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet or pressure? Have you noticed swelling near the tooth? Call Aurora Dental for an exam and x-ray to determine whether or not you need a root canal.